Statement: Abdur’Rauf R. Campos-Marquetti, Islamic Center of NM - New Mexico Interfaith Dialogue

Statement: Abdur’Rauf R. Campos-Marquetti, Islamic Center of NM

ICNM building
Abdur’Rauf Campos-Marquetti

Abdur’Rauf Campos-Marquetti

A statement by Abdur’Rauf R. Campos-Marquetti, on behalf of the Islamic Center of New Mexico:

AsSalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatu (May the peace and blessings of Allah be with all of you) My Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Our prayers and condolences are with the victims and families and friends of this unspeakable act. My condemnation of this horrible act I squarely put on those misguided and twisted individuals and organizations who have shown that they have no respect for the sacredness of all life, and who use the sacredness of Islam as an iron fist to implement their twisted and corrupted interpretation of Islam and their political agendas. The true justice of Allah will fall on your heads for this unforgettable and inexcusable act on innocent human beings.

I ask our American community that just finished celebrating the life of a true Muslim and man of peace, justice and tolerance to see the difference between a true Muslim (Muhammad Ali) and the majority of Muslim community throughout the world; and these lost corrupted terrorists and criminals who are not faithful to the teachings of Islam in word or action.

In times like these it is more important for us to come together as an American community – a World community of all faiths in peace and understanding, remembering and sharing our brotherhood and sisterhood so that we can progress forward into the future as faithful citizens of this world we share.

Our hearts are broken by this foul act. The Muslim community must remain vigilant for those from within and without  who wish to steal the minds, hearts and souls of our youth  and fellow citizens from the corruption of  terrorist and criminal groups like ISIS and al Qaeda.

We pray for the victims and families of this unspeakable criminal act and ask Allah to soothe the broken hearts of those family and friends that must endure  the taking of their loved ones.

Al- Quran 6:151 “…take not life, which God hath made sacred, except by way of justice and law: thus doth He command you, that ye may learn wisdom.”

Salaams always,

Abdur’Rauf R. Campos-Marquetti

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