September Monthly Meeting 2024 - New Mexico Interfaith Dialogue

September Monthly Meeting 2024

The New Mexico Interfaith Dialogue will be having an in-person dialogue on Thursday September 19th, 7:00 to 8:30 pm at Congregation Albert, located at 3800 Louisiana Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110. Our speakers will be Rosemary Blanchard and Joyce Babbin from The Society of Friends (Quakers).  We look forward to an engaging dialogue from the perspective of Joyce, a life-long Quaker and Rosemary, a convert to the faith.

Rosemary Ann Blanchard

Rosemary Ann Blanchard is a retired educator, attorney, advocate, and all-around human rights pest (of the good sort). She is Associate Professor of Education Emeritus with California State University Sacramento and adjunct instructor and academic researcher in Peace Studies at the University of New Mexico. Rosemary has experience with community controlled indigenous education. She is a longtime advocate for nuclear disarmament and for adherence to universal human rights standards and to the principles of International Humanitarian Law (e.g.  Geneva Conventions, Nuremberg Principles).

Rosemary became a member of the Religious Society of Friends through the Hartford (CT) Friends Meeting in 1970.  She was the founding presiding clerk of Helena (MT) Friends Meeting (1978-1981) and is currently a member of Albuquerque Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends—

Joyce Babbin

Joy Babbin, born and raised in a small town in Rhode Island and went to school in Providence, RI.  Received a Bachelor of Music degree from Boston University and was a church organist for a number of years while living overseas.  A midlife career change occurred when I had the chance to do an apprenticeship in paper conservation with the restorer at the Boijmans van Beuningen museum in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. I have two sons, one is an overseas math teacher and the other creates artistic photographs. I am a birthright Friend, born into a Quaker family and registered at birth at Providence Monthly Meeting of Friends. I was brought up as a Quaker attending First Day School (Sunday School), Yearly Meeting of New England Friends, and attending Lincoln School in Providence, RI (a Quaker Girls School).  I was married at Providence Monthly Meeting under the care of Friends.

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