The Interfaith Hunger Coalition invites you to a workshop on hunger in New Mexico, on Sunday, September 18, 2:00-4:00 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center (Rayor Auditorium), 5520 Wyoming Blvd. NE.
Bill Jordan, Senior Policy Advisor and Government Relations Officer at New Mexico Voices for Children, will offer insights on recent trends and on the work of his organization in addressing food insecurity in our state.
The event also features small-group discussions on how to organize Hunger 101 workshops within your own congregation, providing opportunities for members to learn more about hunger in New Mexico and engage in advocacy.
There is no charge for this forum, but we ask that you bring non-perishable food items to support Roadrunner Food Bank.
To register, send an e-mail message to [email protected]
Tags: hunger, interfaith
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