Mystics and Prophets: Ancient Light for Modern Times - New Mexico Interfaith Dialogue

Mystics and Prophets: Ancient Light for Modern Times

Oil Lamp

New Mexico Interfaith Dialogue Holds 23rd Annual Spring Colloquium

A rabbi, a priest and an imam meet up and… no, this is not a joke. Rabbi Paul Citrin, Father Richard Rohr and Imam Taha Hassane are the featured speakers at the New Mexico Interfaith Dialogue’s annual Spring Colloquium on the theme “Prophets and Mystics: Ancient Light for Modern Times.”

The Colloquium will take place Tuesday, March 7, 2017, 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the University of New Mexico’s Continuing Education Building, 1634 University Blvd. NE. Tickets to the event, which include breakfast and lunch, networking time, and door prizes, cost $40 ($20 for students). Register online and join the Dialogue’s email list at

During this full day of knowledgeable speakers providing though-provoking presentations on religious topics, audience participants join in the discussion. The speakers who will discuss insights and ancient wisdom offered by Jewish, Christian and Muslim prophets and mystics are:

  • Rabbi Paul Citrin, co-founder of the Jewish-Catholic Dialogue and rabbi of Congregation Albert from 1978 to 1996
  • Father Richard Rohr, founder, the Center for Action and Contemplation and Franciscan priest of the New Mexico Province
  • Imam Taha Hassane, Director of the Islamic Center of San Diego, and Director of Public/Interfaith Relations and Youth Program
  • Moderator: Swami Omkara, Director, Trinity House Catholic Worker
  • Jennifer Wilson with the Baha’i Faith community will provide additional insights during a lunchtime presentation.

Questions to consider: What is the difference between a mystic and a prophet? How are they similar or different within each faith tradition? What guidance from Jewish, Christian and Muslim prophets and mystics pertain to today’s pressing issues?

The New Mexico Interfaith Dialogue, an Albuquerque-based nonprofit organization, is dedicated to facilitating understanding of faith traditions through dialogue. Founded in 1983 as the Jewish-Catholic Dialogue, the organization also holds monthly discussions at houses of worship throughout Albuquerque.

For more information, contact Pam Fraser-Walters at 505-291-8115 or Gail Rubin at 505-265-7215.

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