The next monthly New Mexico Interfaith Dialogue meeting will take place in the parish hall at the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church on Thursday, June 22 at 5:30 p.m. The church is located at 9502 4th St NW, at the intersection with Alameda Blvd. in Albuquerque’s North Valley. Look for this statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary next to the parish hall entrance.
This meeting will feature a discussion based on these questions:
- How does your religion address, if at all, the notion of “popular protest”? Does it talk or teach about ways for citizens to make their views known to the government, whether that be national, state, or local?
- Does your religion provide for or permit dissent among members? For instance if your religion had a position on the immigration policies being debated now, would you be encouraged/permitted to express a different view? How would that be done? How would that be received?
- Does your religion have specific mandates or suggestions or teachings about doing good, helping those in need, giving money or goods for those who need, etc? How are those teachings to be implemented?
Hope to see you there for what will surely be a fascinating discussion!
Tags: Albuquerque, interfaith dialogue
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