What is a saint? The concept of saintliness is understood differently in various religious communities. We use the term loosely in common language, such as saying my saintly mother. Many towns have “Saint” in their names, but have they lost any connection to the saint for whom the community was named? Jews have a very different concept of saints from the Catholic or even Protestant notion, and many of us could benefit from understanding what Bahai’s and Muslims mean by saint.
The next monthly New Mexico Interfaith Dialogue meeting will take place Thursday, July 20 from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. at Congregation Albert, 3800 Louisiana Blvd. NE. Come join the conversation as we explore the concept of saintliness and sainthood.
The next American saint may be Sister Blandina Segale, who cared for orphans and outlaws in New Mexico in the 1870s and 1880s. Read this article about her in Smithsonian Magazine.
Tags: interfaith, interfaith dialogue, saints
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