January Monthly Meeting 2023 - New Mexico Interfaith Dialogue

January Monthly Meeting 2023

The New Mexico Interfaith Dialogue will be having a Zoom meeting on Thursday January 19th, 7:00 pm -8:30 pm. Our speakers will be Rev. Erica Lea-Simka and Rev. Kelly Jackson Brooks who will be speaking on “Women of the Cloth dialogue.” The dialogue is to highlight women in faith with faith leaders in New Mexico answering questions such as how they came to be faith leaders, what difficulties they encountered, and what advice you would have for women in faith today.

Pastora Erica Lea-Simka

 Rev. Erica Lea-Simka [she/her/hers] is a graduate of San Jacinto College, Texas A&M University, and Truett Theological Seminary. She has also studied as a continuing education student at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary and Eastern Mennonite University. Pastor Erica has served Baptist and Mennonite congregations, and began serving as Pastor of Albuquerque Mennonite Church November 2017. She also serves as the Southwest Representative for Mennonite Women USA. When not at church or the public library, she can be found cooking, powerwalking, travelling, watching British mysteries, and spending time with her interfaith family.

Rev. Dr. Kelly Jackson Brooks

 Rev. Dr. Kelly Jackson Brooks, LPCC holds a Doctorate of Ministry, a Master’s degree in Counseling and a Master’s degree in Divinity. She is the Executive Director of Chrysalis Consulting Center for Clergy and currently works as the Executive Pastor with Central United Methodist Church in Albuquerque. Kelly is a Licensed Professional Clinical Mental Health Counselor (LPCC) and has served as the Chair of the New Mexico Counseling Association and the Chair of the New Mexico Association for the Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling, along with other community and United Methodist Church faith-based boards. Involvement in the spiritual, religious, and mental health fields as they relate to community and connection are the foundations and passions of Kelly’s work.

If you plan to join this dialogue Zoom call, please register at [email protected] . Please send by January 17th, your name & contact information in which you will be accessing the Zoom link.  The link will be sent to you on January 18th in the evening, the day before the Zoom call. 

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