Albuquerque’s faith communities can help their congregants get an important conversation started around Advance Care Planning and health care decision making. Having these conversations before someone is seriously ill can help families and loved ones make better decisions with guidance from their trusted clergy.
On Wednesday, February 22, faith leaders from multiple religions will come together at the New Mexico Conference of Churches (NMCC) offices to discuss the role of clergy in advancing the discussion of medical Advance Care Planning and health care decision making. The meeting will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at the NMCC offices, 1019 2nd NW, between Marble and Granite on the west side of the street.
Kate DeBartolo, national field manager for The Conversation Project (TCP), based in Boston, is visiting New Mexico for two days. Her visit supports the New Mexico Conversation Project’s initiatives related to National Healthcare Decisions Week in April.
The Conversation Project in New Mexico helps New Mexicans talk about their health care wishes, so those wishes are expressed and respected. There’s more information about The Conversation Project in New Mexico at www.ConversationProjectNewMexico.org.
Any clergy that wishes to attend may RSVP to Joan Gibson, a leader of the New Mexico Conversation Project. If you think of anyone else who should attend this meeting, by all means let Joan know at [email protected].
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