Want to help the Rohingya refugees? An estimated 800,000 Rohingya muslims have fled from Myanmar to Bangladesh. Helping Hand for Relief and Development, a nonprofit global humanitarian organization, has teamed up with the Islamic Center of New Mexico and the UNM Muslim Student Association to hold Rise for the Rohingya.
Scheduled for Saturday, February 10, this evening event includes dinner, entertainment for youth by Native Deen, and special guest Yaser Birjas. It will take place at the UNM Student Ballroom on campus. Check in starts at 5:15, Maghrib prayers at 5:45, and the program starts at 6:15 p.m. Ticket prices are Adults: $10, Child $5 (12 and under), Family Pack of 4 $35, and Table of 10 $80. Visit this page at Helping Hand for Relief and Development to buy tickets.
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