The New Mexico Interfaith Dialogue will be having a Zoom meeting on Thursday December 15th, 7:00 pm -8:30 pm. Our speakers will be Judy Smith and Paula Donahue who will be speaking on “Congregation Albert Green Team: A Brief History of Stewardship, Partnerships and Outreach”!
Judith Chasnoff Smith
I was born in St. Louis, Mo. I have lived in Albuquerque since 1979. After graduating from college with a major in Art History, I worked in several Museums including the St. Louis City Art Museum. My focus changed after my children were born and I moved to Albuquerque. I began a career as a teacher and eventually as an administrator for Special Education Programs at UNM, Children’s’ Psychiatric Hospital, Moriarty NM Public Schools, and Rio Rancho Public Schools.
Over the years I have volunteered with and led the Congregation Albert Social Justice committee. I joined the Congregation Albert Green Team in 2010 and later the Board of Interfaith Power and Light NM & El Paso Region. I have an ongoing engagement with NM Climate Justice Issues. I also indulge my hobbies: gardening, hiking, bird watching, reading, and traveling.
Paula Donahue
My name is Paula Donahue. I was born in Chicago in the late 1940s. In 1970 I received a BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts) from the University of Illinois. For most of the 1970s I lived on a farm with my photographer husband Steven where I worked as a craftsperson. We moved to Albuquerque in 1979. I completed a Masters in Community and Regional Planning in 1984 and was employed by the City of Albuquerque as a long-range planner from 1985 – 2010. I have had a long interest and involvement in helping to ensure that Albuquerque put itself on a sustainable path.
My husband and I joined Congregation Albert in 2006 and I have been a Congregation Albert Green Team member since the team’s founding in 2010.
Judy Smith and I are currently Green Team co-leaders.
If you plan to join this dialogue Zoom call, please register at [email protected] . Please send by December 13th, your name & contact information in which you will be accessing the Zoom link. The link will be sent to you on December 14th in the evening, the day before the Zoom call.
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